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下载免费电子书的前 32 个最佳网站

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Twitter推特新手教程 Twitter的功能與使用技巧

Twitter(推特)是一个始于 2006 年的社交网站,至今已拥有 1.3 亿个用户,每天有 500 亿条新推文被发布,毫无疑问是当今最流行的社交媒体平台之一。

  Twitter 的特色是,用户间可以发布不超过 280 英文字元、140 中文字元的简短推文(Tweet)相互交流。至于那些想要发布长文用户,则会在每一则推文前加上编号,方便读者阅读。


  2006 年,Twitter 的联合创始人 Jack Dorsey、Evan Williams、Biz Stone、Noah Glass 联合建立起一个发送短信的平台,让朋友们可以互相更新状态。

How to See When a Soundcloud Song Was Posted

SoundCloud is an open audio platform that connects creators, listeners, and curators. It uses an assortment of top-notch tools, services, and resources to help build and grow careers for creators while also pushing relevant content to listeners.

With such openness, contents on SoundCloud are numerous and can be overwhelming. And if you are a new platform user, you can learn how to see when a SoundCloud song was posted.

Ways to see when a SoundCloud song was posted

Knowing when a SoundCloud track was uploaded can be done quickly. However, this depends on which version of the platform you are on, either the mobile app or the web version.


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